a few days before Christmas, and I find myself in awe. No not of the lights, and peace to mankind, or kindness, or even love. No I am in awe of the fact that there are truly people out there who believe that the Solar system MUST revolve around them. Now I do believe it is a PROVEN fact that it revolves around the sun, but I could be mistaken.
Anyway, some changes in my life over the past few months....
- I am down (double digits) in weight....can't tell the TRUE amount as its a SURPRISE for my family next Thanksgiving when I see them all...I'm old its all I have for SHOCK value now LOL
- I got a GREAT hair cut...its SHORTER...but not as short as years past.
- I am taking a bit more interest in MYSELF. Ya know I have been blessed to be a SAHM for a really LONG time, and sort of got lost in that job, and forgot about me.
- and finally (refer to previous paragraph) I can NOT change anyone, or anyone's behavior. I honestly can only control mine. A LONG time ago someone I love tons, told me "you let people hurt your feelings..control what you can and forget the rest" and I thought huh you have no idea what you are talking about...but guess what...they were 100% right....I can ONLY control me and how I feel...NO ONE else is going to do that.
Ok so its not A LOT of changes but it is something more than I have done in the past few years. I forgot or lost WHO I was, and who I AM...but I have a NEW lease on ME, and I am going full steam ahead. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. And for those of you out there who BELIEVE you are all that and a bag of chips...Good for you, but forgive me if I don't fall to my knees in admiration of your behavior...we can still be friends, but I gotta make life about me for a change.