Friday, October 10, 2008


I have over the years had some really phenomenal teachers for my oldest sons. I don't mean the ones who just come to school, teach, and don't demand of them. No I mean ones who demand of them to be better than they know they are, ones who go that extra mile to reach a child and show them the light in that one class they are lost in, and the ones who you consider family, and just meld into yours and your child's lives.

As you read in an early blog, we are struggling with some Autistic issues with Seth, and some days are better than others. Today was not one of those days for me. See Seth has had a few bad days, and then a good one (he raised his hand and waited...yes waited to answer the question), and today when I got him from school, his teacher said he didn't hurt anyone today (spit and threw a pencil yesterday) but there was just not finding a common ground with him. Now let me say I dearly love this woman, and trust her with my child, and the intervention he needs at school. But when I got home after a really LONG, tiring trip to Peanut Festival with the kids, I found this email (I have taken out her name before posting).

I hope you have a good weekend. You are a good mother and you are doing the right thing. I know it is not easy, but please realize that you are not doing this alone. We are a team and we will get through the emotional roller coaster together.

I tell the students that we are all family, and I do mean it. We are a family. We lean on each other during the storms, we cry together, and we rejoice with each other when the sun shines. Sometimes it is just a ray of sunshine, but it is still warm and fills the soul.

Hang on to the progress Seth has made. He is headed in the right direction. Just remember, he will probably have a few detours along the way, but he will arrive.

Have a great weekend and ENJOY your family, because family is the most precious commodity on earth.

So as I am sitting here feeling a bit LOST and SORRY for myself, when I know so many parents out there have it worse than I do, that a teacher after hours on a Friday (and a day where she wanted to call me twice to come get Seth and take him home :( ) would think of me, not because she had too, because she wanted too.

So for all of you teachers out there who think those little things go unnoticed, and unappreciated by so many, I SALUTE you. I could not get through some of the stuff kids and school toss at us without you. Please keep doing what you do, because our (and I do mean OUR) children and country need you.


snowflake said...

Love this one my friend! SO glad to see you blogging again! I left you an award on my blog, check it out!

Anonymous said...

That's so nice! I am lucky enough to have a school with caring people like that who teach my children too! I hear so many people that have to fight to get what is best for the children and I can honestly say I am so incredibly thankful that I am not one of them. I have three children on the is scary...loving teachers and support sure make it more comfortable!