Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY....

.....of SCHOOL for this year. I am filled with giddy excitement, knowing that I will have two a days for football, and a trip to Ohio, and my dear friends dogs, fish, and turtles to take care of for a month, but guess what I am now ALMOST a mom with ALL of the kids in school. In 10 weeks (give or take) I will wake all of them up and put all of them on the bus. No I am NOT wishing summer away, I am PRACTICING for that day next September when I DON'T wanna cry LOL.

So my plans this summer HOPEFULLY include a trip to the "theater" to see my darling husband who is deployed still. The plan is for me to go by myself (YEP NO KIDS) for about a week. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous about flying over the ocean, leaving my kids (cause as you know NO ONE can do what we do for our kids LOL), and well seeing hin sooner than I expected (won't have lost the whole amount of weight I wanted too). But to be w/o my kids for the first time since "the sperm met the egg" sixteen years ago, is so exciting.

Shayne and I work very hard to have an "us" in the middle of our "chaotic" life. Now we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the running we do with and for the kids, but a LONG time ago we knew that Marriage (no matter how good it is) is a job that has to have effort, and love, and work put into it to make it grow. So we try to put more into it so when the kids are gone (yes I typed those words...I know they have to leave someday LOL) there will be something of US to enjoy.

So tomorrow begins a ROUGH countdown to my departure date (its gotta be approved yet) so as of tomorrow I will be 43 days from seeing my husband, exchanging our vows under the stars and moon on the beach...just us, and swimming in the clearest water (so he says) that we have ever seen. So come on this adventure with me, I promise we'll have fun TOGETHER, and we all know I'll NEED the support.

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