Monday, July 20, 2009


....ya know it amazes me how life is ever changing, good and bad, its truly the example of a circle. Everything is intertwined, and cause and effect are certainly rampant in our lives. But sometimes we forget there are consequences to our decisions. So today I wanna talk about a friend of mine...who is awe inspiring at the moment.

See I have this friend who I have known for several years, and since the day I met her, she has had TROUBLES. Some days she would frustrate me to no end, because I am "older and wiser (meaning I have already done what she's doing)" and I would be my over bearing self and TRY to FIX or in some cases CONTROL the issues at hand. So over the years I have grown to accept that many and most of my suggestions would fall on deaf ears. Then one day in the not so distant past here, she was like "oh my God you were right." After a moment of two of "what the hell are you talking about?" It dawned on me, that she was finally regaining CONTROL of her OWN life. My support and advice, and lectures hadn't fallen on deaf ears, they were there all the time, she just needed to realize she was a STRONGER woman than she THOUGHT she was. She and I both realize the consequences associated with EITHER decision, and she's willing to WORK through those consequences.

Currently my friend is making CHANGES in her life, and she is STRUGGLING with the decisions she MIGHT have to make, but I have found that TRUE FRIENDSHIP no matter how often you FORGET is the change in our lives we need. My friend has a long road ahead and A LOT of changes (no matter which decision she makes) but I do know that I will be there for her every step of the way. My life changed the day I met my friend, and it will never be the same, and every day is a step in who knows what direction, but I do know I'm glad we're making so many memories together. So take a second today to tell that friend how much they mean to you. And my dear friend when you read this, know I SUPPORT whatever decision you make for YOUR LIFE, and I will gladly help you walk whatever path you are my friend....for life.

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