Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Free Speech....

...yep we all have it here in this country. But today I found myself (as I have several days in the past years) not FEELING like I have Free Speech. I mean for example the Michael Jackson stuff today....now let me preface this by saying I believe he ALWAYS meant to do good when it didn't APPEAR that he was, I also believe he holds a BIG place in musical history, but I felt very sad with the spectacle that today became. I am also a registered Democrat, but don't ALWAYS support the party, and I believe that I can vote across party lines (Oh My GOD I know right) but there I said it. Also I sometimes listen to Rush and Hannity on the radio. And while I'm on the topic I deplore people who feel they should BASH others based on their PHYSICAL appearance.

So there it is, things I have been afraid to say, there are MANY, MANY, MANY more but I still believe if I say, type, or even THINK them that some people in this country will flip out. I mean when did it become a sin against society to say "I don't really believe in what the senate or the President is doing?" I mean am I NOT allowed to have that opinion? Wanna know one reason I don't say anything? Its because I am AFRAID of how my friends, family, and acquaintances will view me. For the love of God I am (ALMOST) a 40 year old woman and I'm afraid to say some POLITICAL things because people will get mad....well NEWS FLASH they will be mad regardless. So here I am typing this and still trying to be "PC" about the whole darn thing.

So I have the right to "free speech" but I'm NOT comfortable saying it. How do I change that feeling, and shouldn't I be able to explain my friends WHY I feel the way I do...as long as I am WILLING to LISTEN to their side? Well I think I should but I don't believe that other people feel that way....so I will continue being "PC" as to NOT to offend anyone, but please people out there who feel different than I do, know that my beliefs don't make me any less of the person you have grown to love and appreciate. And if appearance means everything to you in your life, then THERAPY is a really GREAT IDEA for you, since we are all INDIVIDUALS fat or thin.

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