Monday, January 21, 2008

its UNDER RATED that is. I mean we've been having it for 17 years now LOL but as with a lot of married couples sometimes it gets put on the back just gets in the way. So today I made up my mind IT WAS TIME.

You know we live for our kids, and some days it dawns on me that if we don't work on us, then there will be no us when the kids are gone. So after yesterdays "nasty express" I decided to put forth more effort into being what I WANT to know POSITIVE LOL.

Today came his 1st month of his "beer of the month club" that I got him for Christmas so that, and a great Honey BBQ dinner, and me being NICER helped out A LOT. So do (as a married woman) forget to give yourself YOU time. I mean most days are filled with "HAVE TOO's" and I FORGET to take care of me.

So in the midst of all of it I took an amazing bubble bath, and gave myself a conditioning treatment, and read a few chapters ALONE in the bathroom....and OMG it was as great as the sex LOL, I mean time alone in the bathroom as a mom it almost UNHEARD of now isn't it LOL. But today I got both...was a GREAT Monday...hope the rest of the week pans out as well LOL.

Happy Monday gang.

1 comment:

snowflake said...

Oh girl, I so hear you on the private time in the bathroom with a really good book! I love that too - though don't think it's quite up there with sex.... :) Glad that your Monday was going better and hope that the rest of the week will be great!