Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My kids....

....are truly FANTASTIC. I am writing this BEFORE report cards come out on Wednesday but not because they'll be bad...nope I already know one has straight A's and the other one has A's and B's on the grading period and on his finals....so its not their grades, its not even the fact that my freshman is getting a Varsity Wrestling letter this year or that my 6th grade is doing EXCELLENT in Latin, and is the Troop Historian for his Boy Scouts. Its not even that my two little ones (although in some fibbing and blaming each other stage) are learning to clean up their rooms on a normal time schedule (I set the clock for 10 minutes and they HAVE to be done or MOM comes in...and no one wants mom in their rooms LOL). Nope and although all these things are GREAT, its not that, its that I just LOVE them. I would love them if they brought home all F's ( I might not be happy but I'd love them LOL).

Some days being a mom is HARD (whether you are a SAHM or a working mom) its just plain hard. But some days I forget and get testy and bitchy and well just downright mean. I am tired, and its trying to day in and day out do the same things, but I can honestly say that I love how they make me feel, how they allow me to share in their lives. I thought the older they got the more I'd miss out on, and I'm sure I will miss stuff when they get girlfriends (which let me say I am so NOT ready for LOL), but for right now, I am gonna appreciate and treasure the love, the laughter, and the friendship that we share.

If you haven't told your kids today that you "love them" do it, and watch 'em look at you like you have two heads for a second...but they say "love you too mom" right back at you...its AMAZING.

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