Saturday, January 5, 2008

On a POSITIVE note today..... I am looking deep for one at the moment MAYBE it will appear later on LOL. But so far this AM I slept in, well not really in I got up at 2:45am couldn't go back to sleep till 3:30am therefore didn't get up at 4am now did I? LOL I hate to start the day feeling I am behind already...not that I would have done anything major but I MIGHT have LOL.

Anyway, I just dropped off my son for a wrestling tournament (the bus is leaving at 6:30am) and what a nice few moments in my life, I mean he was tired, and REALLY, REALLY nervous but it was just us. We drove, and I teased him and he smiled.....took my money, and then said I love you when he got out of the car. Now its not that the kids and I don't say that to each other all the time....because we do. But this morning I actually FELT the words from him. I miss the days when he'd run and hug me, jump on my lap, and kiss me tons, but I do see the young man he is, and the man he is becoming. He is a great kid with a wonderfully kind heart....I realized today that I just take for granted that they are good kids. I don't want to do that anymore....I mean I miss out on so many moments if I do that. Nope today was another MOMENT I want to remember, and hold in my heart. And it will get me through the fact he just called and told me he forgot his wrestling shoes, and they are leaving in 10 minutes can I get them back down to the school for him...LOL Kids gotta love them.

Guess I didn't have to look too far for my POSITIVE today now did I? Have a great week-end my blogger friends.

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