Thursday, May 14, 2009

How do I.... everything in life I HAVE to do? I mean today for example every one of the kids needed me to be some place else, and two of 'em at the same darn time on separate sides of town. Now most days I am grateful that they NEED me or WANT to spend time with me, but OMG I just want SOMEONE...I don't even care who to watch the kids, and tote their butts where ever and when ever they need to be someplace...and while that person is here, could they grocery shop, mop the floor, do the laundry, cook dinner, and take care of dishes, bed making, vacuuming, paying the bills, and well whatever else you can think of to add to this list LOL.

I believe that MOTHERS are truly special people, but tonight, I am so TIRED, I could cry...not cause I HAVE to do it all (especially right now) but just because some days there isn't enough time in any one day to get every thing I HAVE to get done, DONE.

I think that today I am wishing Will Smith would bring me one of those great I-Robots to help out LOL. So tonight I want to know HOW YOU DO IT? I don't care what it is you, go to school, raise kids, raise your husband LOL, whatever it is you do that HAS to be done in your life. How do you juggle it all? Come on gang....WORDS of ADVICE...lets go, I know that between you all that there is an answer to this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not sure there is an answer! Not for me anyway! I'm pregnant and work full time, but only have to raise the dog - but I can't do it all. I really can't. I am a faker! When my man is due home, I fake tidy - hide the shoes and clothes that are all over the bedroom, I quickly catch up on the washing etc etc etc ...

Now why do I do this? certainly not because he expects me too, or would be annoyed if I didn't, he's so not like that and I would not stand for that attitude. It's because I like to let him think that he need not worry about me when he's away ... and i think if he came home to the place looking like it often does, then he would worry. I am a naturally messy person (not dirty - just messy) and he is ever so neat. Comes with the job perhaps?

I try not to worry him when he's away doing his bit to protect us all, sometimes I fail miserably and ring him (knowing he wont answer), so leave a sobbing voicemail...

So, what I am saying, is there is no secret, I am sure of it. We all do what we need to do, and some people may do more than that ... and that's good enough.

I do think I would do more if I put my laptop down and stopped reading peoples blogs BUT I enjoy it, so wont!!

So, if you do find the secret your MUST share it with us.

Ohhh.... perhaps hired help would help??!!