Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Guess what someone said

to me? My sister-in-law Terri told me today that I was someone to be admired...that I made being a SAHM of 4 kids look easy, that I am a good mom. Now of course I did the "what the heck ever" but when I hung up I started thinking. A long time ago, my mom had a friend, (a bit younger and still single but in a serious relationship) who said that my mom always made being a wife, mother, nurse, and hostess look easy, and I used to think OMG its not. I always wanted to be half the woman my mother is, even if when I was younger I didn't realize how wonderful she is.

So today, as I heard someone say that to me, I was kinda taken a back. Oh my gosh, did I actually become a good mother, and wife? I mean is it possible I became my mother, someone who I look up too in so many ways? I can only hope so. My mother is a great woman, with more potential than even she realizes. She has helped me grow into the woman that I am, and I can only hope as I look at my daughter today that she will love me as much as I love my mother.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love that picture - its on our "family" of my beginner level projects!