Friday, May 29, 2009

My mom taught me.....

....if you have nothing nice to say, then say NOTHING at all. Well that's the reason I have avoided blogging. I am having a hard time NOT being mean, or bitchy...or well just CRAZED. But let me back up and tell you way.... We are ORIGINALLY from "SMALL TOWN" Ohio, and things are WAY different there (all my Ohio friends and family are nodding) there is no way to explain it to you unless you have lived it. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Virginia and all it has to offer. But the other day I over heard my son's talking about "reverse discrimination" and their friends said this or that. Well most of the time I tend to IGNORE (good mom that I am) but this came on the heels of the new nomination to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. Now here's the thing...this blog have NEVER been Republican or Democrat or whatever else you label yourself. I want to first state I am a registered Democrat, but I vote for who I BELIEVE is the best choice, I could care if they are a green alien with pink polka dots....if I BELIEVE they can do the best for our country that's how I vote.

But I digress, I was already perturbed when I heard this conversation, as the big BANNER news was 1st Latino nomination to the Supreme Court. That's what scrolled across the screen BEFORE her name came across. So I'm already stewing that this is the 1st thing they have to say? I mean how about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's hat was just tossed into the ring. Why do I have to be told she's a woman (obvious when I see her picture) or that she's Latino. Please I am not minimizing any FIRST"S of anything...I am all for history making moments, but every damn time I turn around its a race issue. I could care if she's Latino (no disrespect to Latinos anywhere honest). For me, I'd rather hear about her record...not her "compelling life." Betcha we all have something compelling in our lives we could talk about...and trust me someone, somewhere would find our lives compelling. So I'm stewing about the darn media again. Then I hear the kids I'm good and pissed.

Racism as defined by Websters Dictionary is
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination. Racism is against EVERY PERSON regardless of COLOR or RELIGION. But my issue here is that REVERSE racism by definition would be NO RACISM...right? So now I feel the need to explain to the boys that Racism and Bigotry, and Sexism and whatever other -ism they can think of is just crappy and wrong. But that REVERSE RACISM isn't a true word in the way they were using it. And in the off chance someone questioned them about it, to 1. call me and 2. tell them that Websters Dictionary offers this definition when the words reverse racism is typed in The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

So, now I have made the boys look at me like I have six heads, and I'm crazed (go figure LOL) and I'm still mad. I mean listen whether I voted for Obama or not isn't an issue but if I did it wouldn't be because he was black or wasn't black....I don't care what color any one's skin is...I want to know when (before I die maybe) will the media and individuals QUIT pointing out the "race issue." I believe that one person makes a difference, and I believe that we should all have the right to voice our opinions...and I'm all for that...BUT let me preface that by saying, I am a woman (lots of sexism still exists) and I am fat (lots of discrimination there) and I'm old (again lots of discrimination....ageism LOL). You're right I am not black or Latino and I can't understand the past other than what history books tell us, but I can tell you that I have found in the 40 years I have been alive, that bad, horrific stuff happens but if people don't find a way to mend and move on...not forget...I am NOT suggesting that at all....but to move FORWARD then we are no better off then things were when two water fountains were acceptable.
I, I NEED to make sure my children grow up as color blind as possible...but for the LOVE of God if the Media doesn't help us then how as parents can we do that?

So as my mom has always said "nothing nice to say, then don't say it" so goes this blog. You are more than welcome to voice you opinion, and I welcome it, BUT I can guarantee that I have the benefit of NOT having the comment on my page, IF you chose NOT to see ANOTHER point of view...doesn't mean you have to change yours...but an open dialogue is a start in ending racism once and for all. The past can NEVER (nor should it) be erased or changed, but the future is a BLANK slate, and together we can make is say what ever we want it to say. So be kind, and know that how we act today effects how our children will act in the years to come.

Happy Friday everyone.

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