Monday, May 25, 2009

Made a decision...

....I tend to write a lot about my kids and husband, so today I decided (lots of back and forth first) to write about me. Ok, for those of you SCARED, then very fast LOL. This year has been an odd year for me, we moved to another new state, we bought our first house (OMG do I miss ISSUES being the relator's problem LOL). I gained a few more pounds, on top of what I hadn't lost YET, and well Shayne deployed. So I find myself alone with the kids again (which is fine most of the time, but it does have its days).

Last time Shayne deployed I didn't make the BEST decisions...I did A LOT of RETAIL THERAPY, and a lot of drinking on the week-ends in my kitchen playing cards with my friends, and WAY too much crying and worrying. I PROMISED myself I was going to do better this time, and so far I have. The majority of money I have spent so far has been on home improvements, and thats good for the home (and our bank account LOL). But there is always that stumbling block of the weight which I NEVER seem to get over. I mean I am TRULY ready to get the past 16 yrs of weight off, but some days the thought is overwhelming.

So last week I made THE go back to Weight Watchers (its worked in the past for me) and what a wonderful thing to be accountable to someone else who doesn't know me...always is the challenge for me...and well weight loss is a mind game as well as a lifestyle change now isn't it?

So here I am 3 days into my "counting points" program AGAIN, and I am down 6 lbs already, on top of the 4 lbs from just the Wii Fit (which I am back into big time again...yea me). SO I am already down 10 lbs which should be GREAT, but if I'm not careful and stop looking at the GOOD in the -10 lbs then I am OVERWHELMED with the amount I WANT/NEED to lose. So here is the game plan this week. I am going to hold myself accountable to staying w/in my point range (Oh how I will miss those STARBUCKS coffees LOL) and EXERCISE every single day. And I will be accountable on here too. That way my dear friends in case you don't see an update on Twitter or Facebook that I exercised, can you drop me a "NASTY GRAM" to remind me that I WILL do this.

SO here it is, I make a decision, and still need help, I know that many of you aren't shocked because I tend to ask for help more than I ever have, but some of you who have never seen me ask for help...will be going...WTH is up....but I need the help and the support. I want off blood pressure meds, and I want to buy some swanky (is that the right word to use when you are almost 40 LOL) outfit to pick up Shayne at the airport when he gets home next Thanksgiving. Won't he be surprised?

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